Friday, September 14, 2007


So, I finally had to go to school.

Located at Mita campus, Keio university is one of the best private universities in Japan. Founded by Meiji leader Fukuzawa, it also has 37 restaurants surrounding it

To get there from my dorm though, I have to change trains at Shibuya. This is what it looks like:

There is absolutely no concept of personal space. And Tokyo trains defy the laws of physics. When you think it's completely full and no one could possibly fit in the carriage, twenty more Tokyoites stream in. It's as if the fabric of space stretches to accommodate these people. And there are trains every 3 minutes. So you can imagine just how big of a metropolis Tokyo actually is.

I forgot to take photos of the actual campus. Oops. Tomorrow. But it's really...small.
And after a mind-numbing three hour orientation, that included a self-introduction from all 127 students (how very Japanese), where I inadvertently said, let's all go for a drink soon to these 127 strangers, we received our student IDs and were allowed to go home.

Where I proceeded to become a total housewife and scrub down my entire bathroom. Man, this is something I never, ever do at home. I must be maturing, like a good cheese, or wine.

We ate at Denny's - I had this strange kinoko and truffle pasta that tasted neither of kinoko or truffle. It tasted like olive oil. Oh, and a salad, because it's high time I ate something remotely green. On the way home, we stopped at the supermarket, so I bought an apple, for 138 yen. That would buy me a whole bushel of apples in Sydney. Damn.

Notice the melon is 980 yen? That's 10 bucks! Again, da-yamn.


Unknown said...

My God, is that you wearing glasses?!

von said...

Haha, oh yeah.

You've never seen me in my glasses.

Lol! I've been wearing them because I had that weird eye infection thing, and the doctor said lay off contacts for two weeks.